This portal is only intended for use by UK healthcare professionals who work within pulmonary hypertension therapy area at a dedicated or prescribing shared care centre.
This service for post-prescriptive patients is fully supported and funded by MSD.

Home Monitoring Pack Portal

Please use the portal below to manage your stock of Home Monitoring Packs

In using this portal you will be able to replenish your stock of Home Monitoring Packs. You will automatically be sent a new pack when you notify us that you have provided one to a patient, but please ensure you check the amount you would like to request.

Current pack details

*Mandatory fields
This is the 6-digit code provided to you by MSD
This can be found on the outer packaging

Current pack conditions

Loan agreement disclaimer*

Confirm replacement packs

Please select the amount of packs
If you have any questions please contact Events4Healthcare on 0800 012 6055 or
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.